Syria War: Nine Killed as Russia Air Strike Hits Idlib Market


The UN has expressed deep concern about an escalation of hostilities in north-western Syria after at least 11 people were reportedly killed in Russian air strikes on rebel-held Idlib province. 

Nine were killed when warplanes dropped bombs next to a market outside Jisr al-Shughour on Sunday, rescuers said. 

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group reported that it was the deadliest Russian attack this year. 

The Syrian Observatory said a total of six civilians had been killed in drone and artillery attacks by jihadist and rebel groups since Wednesday. Fifteen civilians and four fighters had been killed in Russian air strikes and government artillery attacks over the same period, it added.  

More than half a million people have been killed in the conflict that erupted after President Bashar al-Assad cracked down violently on peaceful pro-democracy protests in 2011. 

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