Warring Sudanese Factions Fight on After Failing to Agree Truce


Air strikes and artillery pounded Khartoum on Friday after Sudan's warring army and Rapid Support Forces paramilitary failed to agree to a ceasefire despite committing to protect civilians and allow humanitarian access.

A so-called declaration of principles was signed in Saudi Arabia late on Thursday after nearly a week of talks between the two factions, which had shared power before falling out over a transition to civilian rule.

The two forces issued competing statements on Friday that accused each other of harming civilians and ignoring the population's humanitarian needs.

The conflict has paralyzed Sudan's economy and strangled its trade, aggravating a ballooning humanitarian crisis, with the UN saying on Friday that 200,000 people have now fled into neighboring states.

Previous ceasefire agreements have been repeatedly violated, leaving civilians to navigate a terrifying landscape of chaos and bombardment with failing power and water, little food, and a collapsing health system.

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