Ethiopia Says 'Committed' To AU-led Peace Process


"The Ethiopian government is committed to the AU-led peace process and expressed hope that the EU would support efforts to end the conflict peacefully," the ministry quoted Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen as saying at a meeting with a visiting EU envoy.


The statement published on Facebook was the first official public comment by the government since the Tigray People's Liberation Front announced on Sunday they were willing to negotiate under the auspices of the African Union (AU), which it had previously opposed saying it wanted Kenya to broker any talks.


The international community has urged both sides to seize the moment to try to end a war that has killed untold numbers of civilians and triggered a major humanitarian crisis in northern Ethiopia.


Earlier Wednesday, 10 people were killed in a second day of air strikes on Mekele, the capital of the northern Tigray region, hospital officials said.


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