Human Rights and Transitional Justice in the 2011 World Development Report


In April, the World Bank released its 2011 World Development Report (WDR) entitled Conflict, Security, and Development. It is the first WDR that links transitional justice to security and development and places human rights violations at the heart of its analysis of conflict. ICTJ has produced a fact sheet outlining the core findings of the report as they pertain to transitional justice.

The report explores what countries can do to avoid cycles of violence that cause untold suffering and impede development. It focuses on three major areas of concern characterizing countries afflicted by cycles of violence:

  • Security – The largest number of civil wars take place in countries that have been at war in the past.
  • Justice – Hostilities may end but patterns of crime—including high murder rates—may persists and indeed grow stronger than those prevalent during conflict.
  • Development – Among countries in conflict, not one has met a single Millennium Development Goal.

The report examines in detail what actors at the national and international level can do to make significant progress in these three related spheres.

ICTJ participated in the WDR process through a commissioned background paper, taking part in consultations, and providing comments throughout the drafting process of the report.

Download the fact sheet on Human Rights and Transitional Justice in the 2011 WDR.

Download the background paper, "Transitional Justice, Security, and Development."