Yemen's Rebels Optimistic After Saudi Arabia Peace Talks


A delegation of Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis returned to Sanaa on Tuesday after five days of talks in Saudi Arabia. 

Riyadh on Wednesday praised the "positive results" of the negotiations with the rebels without releasing many details on the discussions to end the war tearing Yemen apart. 

The mediation was the latest hopeful sign since the Riyadh-led coalition in 2015 launched a military invasion in Yemen. 

Among the rebels' demands were the payment of salaries for Houthi appointed civil servants, the release of Houthi prisoners, and the launch of new routes from the airport in Houthi-controlled Sanaa. 

The Saudi Foreign Ministry released a statement welcoming the "positive result of the serious discussions regarding reaching a roadmap to support the peace path in Yemen." 

Yemen plunged into conflict when the Houthis took over the capital in September 2014, ousting the internationally recognized government and prompting the Saudi-led coalition to launch its offensive. 

The war has killed more than 150,000 people, including fighters and civilians, and created one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters, killing tens of thousands more. 

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