Nigerian Officials Say 103 Bodies from 2020 Protests Will Be Buried. Activists Allege a Cover-Up


More than 100 people who died in Nigeria in 2020 during protests against police brutality will soon be buried, authorities said, prompting allegations by activists on Monday of a cover-up and calls for a new investigation. 

At least 103 bodies were gathered from across the state after the protests and other clashes related to it, the top official at Lagos State's ministry of health, Dr. Olusegun Ogboye, said in a statement after local media reported a leaked memo about the planned burial. 

The new information about the deaths shows authorities in the West African nation are still covering up the true casualty toll from the protest and are still protecting security personnel who killed protesters, Amnesty International's Nigeria office said as it demanded a new probe into the killings. 

Thousands across Nigeria marched in October 2020 to protest the activities of the now-disbanded Special Anti-Robbery Squad, a unit accused of police brutality. 

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