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Part of a series of practitioner-oriented publications by OHCHR, focused on the establishment and implementation of reparations programs. Download the PDF from the OHCHR website

Part of a series of practitioner-oriented publications by OHCHR, this report provides operational guidelines on the implementation of vetting programs within the broader context of institutional reform in post-conflict or post-authoritarian societies. Download the PDF from the OHCHR w...

Hybrid courts are defined as courts of mixed composition and jurisdiction, encompassing both national and international aspects, usually operating within the jurisdiction where the crimes occurred. Drawing on the lessons learned from hybrid courts created since 1999, this publication ...

This publication is intended to assist in the implementation of principles contained in international human rights documents and treaties. It is a practical tool to provide guidance on implementing reparations initiatives. Its focus is not on redressing single or isolated human rights...

This publication sets out basic considerations on prosecution initiatives. It is intended to assist United Nations field staff when advising on how to address the challenges of prosecuting perpetrators of crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. It focuses on t...

This publication sets out basic principles and approaches to truth commissions and is intended to assist policymakers in advising on the development of truth-seeking mechanisms. It summarizes lessons learned from the experiences of over 30 truth commissions in the past two to three d...

This publication provides an operational framework for vetting and institutional reform. It is intended address the challenges of institutional and personnel reform in post-conflict States through the creation of vetting processes that exclude persons who lack integrity from public in...

ICTJ has released One morning they came to our community: Stories of political violence in communities of Peru, a compilation of victims’ stories about Peru’s internal armed conflict from 1980 to 2000. The stories constitute an important form of recognizing the truth, as well as a demand for justice and reparations.

The civil war in El Salvador officially ended 20 years ago, yet justice and accountability for past violations remain acutely absent. To launch a Spanish language podcast series focusing on Latin America ICTJ spoke with Carlos Dada, editor of the digital newspaper El Faro, about the critical role the media has played in uncovering the truth about past atrocities in El Salvador.

The appearance of Hosni Mubarak in the opening of his trial this week reassured millions of Egyptians that their revolutionary struggle was not in vain. But the truth about Mubarak’s ability to participate in his trial is still unclear. With the public doubting the court’s seriousness, Mubarak’s appearance could have been a political decision aimed at boosting confidence. If this is the case, the judiciary risks appearing politicized in the eyes of Egyptians.