483 results

Much of ICTJ’s work—and in fact much of the field of transitional justice—can be understood as the pursuit of effective remedies for victims of severe human rights violations. A remedy involves two elements: a victim’s access to the appropriate authorities to have his claim fairly hea...

In its primary findings, Kenya's Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission noted that women and girls have been subject to systematic, state-sanctioned discrimination in all spheres of their lives, and that the state has failed to take measures to end the practices that r...

This report, produced jointly by ICTJ's Research Unit and the Children and Youth Program, is based on a comparative review of current and past efforts to reach out to children and youth as part of outreach programming for TJ measures. Drawing from the experiences of places as varied a...

The practice of international peace mediation has been used to good effect in different conflict contexts. However, little systematic learning has been drawn from these experiences to date, and EU approaches and involvement in peace mediation appear ad hoc.

This paper maps out some of the links between transitional justice, SSR, and development. It is argued here that SSR and transitional justice can be understood to complement each other in ways that have received little attention so far, and that bringing in a substantive and direct fo...

“We women of Papua have been bruised, cornered, besieged from all directions. We are not safe at home, and even less so outside the home. The burden we bear to feed our children is too heavy. The history of the Papuan people is covered in blood, and women are no exception as victims o...

This paper explores the intersection between displacement and one particular mechanism of transitional justice—justice-sensitive security sector reform (JSSR). It aims to identify various ways in which JSSR can contribute to the protection of refugees and internally displaced persons ...

The general aim of this paper is to construct an argument about the advisability of drawing links between disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) and reparations programs, but not just because this is better from the standpoint of justice. It can be argued that the securi...

Research Brief: Selected examples of Defence, Intelligence and Justice Investigative Reports into detention and interrogation practices.