483 results

Transitions focuses on the Justice and Peace Law in Colombia. Michael Reed-Hurtado, ICTJ Senior Associate and Head of Office, discusses Colombia's Justice and Peace Law.

Transitions focuses on new directions and challenges for the organization. Kofi Appenteng, ICTJ Board Chair, discusses his background and his new role as Board Chair.

Transitions focuses on engaging new generations and the children's project. Virginie Ladisch, ICTJ Program Associate for the Children's Project, discusses children and justice efforts around the world.

Transitions focuses on elections in Burma. Patrick Pierce, ICTJ Head of Program in Burma, discusses what is at stake.

The International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), together with the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law and the Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations, hosted an Expert Group Meeting entitled Closing the International and Hybrid Criminal Tribunals: Mechanis...

The establishment of temporary international criminal tribunals has given rise to complex legal, technical, and political questions regarding their post-closure residual functions.

The legacy of systematic human rights violations committed during violent conflict and repressive rule can reach well into the new order. Transitional justice can help societies address the past through prosecutions, truthseeking, reparations for victims and institutional reform. Just...

Five years since the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement signed the Helsinki Memorandum of Understanding, key provisions for accountability for mass crimes have not yet been implemented. Attempts to avoid the difficult truths of Aceh’s recent history and to allow perp...

Kenya plunged into a dark episode of violence following the controversial presidential election of 2007. The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) recently announced its investigation into issues of complementarity, peace, justice, victims, and affected communities in the country. ...

The passing of the Constitution of Kenya of 2010 and its promulgation on August 27, 2010, heralds the deep desire of Kenyans, as individuals and communities, to live in a society that respects and protects their liberties and livelihoods without discrimination. With respect to transit...

Efforts underway to address the 2008 Kenyan post-election crisis and the conditions that caused it have provided the country with a unique opportunity to address its long history of human rights violations.

In the wake of the April uprising, the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) undertook a weeklong mission in Kyrgyzstan to assess whether a transitional justice approach might assist the country in its transition process.

The Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) released its final report in December 2009 after more than three years of operations. The report offers valuable insights into Liberia’s turbulent history, including the gross human rights violations committed during the country’s ...

In 2008 and 2009, the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) conducted extensive research on impunity in Myanmar (previously known as Burma). This submission is based largely on that research, as well as developments in the last six months.

The Burmese government cannot change in a meaningful way until it eliminates the culture of impunity for human rights violations that has developed during the past 48 years. The international community can help this effort by establishing a commission of inquiry into the violations. R...

Gender-based violence, including sexual violence was a common feature of the 10-year-long armed conflict between the security forces and the Communist Party of Nepal – Maoist (CPN-M), yet few individual incidents were reported.

One of the major challenges facing parliamentary democracy can be the restriction of people's participation in democratic processes, especially the opportunity to vote in periodic elections.

According to the Rome Statute, the International Criminal Court (ICC) will investigate and prosecute where States are “unwilling or unable genuinely” to do so.

Although in force only recently, the Rome Statute has changed many of the assumptions of earlier peace versus justice debates, at least for States Parties.

Sierra Leone has made tremendous progress in implementing transitional justice commitments incumbent on the authorities under the Lomé Peace Agreement (LPA) and international law.

Few conflicts have garnered as much attention as the recent one in Darfur. Widespread atrocities reported by several organizations including an International Commission of Investigation compelled the United Nations (UN) Security Council to refer the situation in the western region of ...

In August 2006 the United Nations Security Council mandated the establishment of the Serious Crimes Investigation Team (SCIT) as an extension of the previous “serious crimes” process, under the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT). Early in 2008, the team began assisting the c...

Providing the Minister for Social Solidarity with the unfettered discretion to dismiss and appoint members of the institute’s Governing Board renders the institute vulnerable to politicization and undermines the institute’s ‘technical, administrative and financial autonomy.

Timor-Leste has implemented a number of transitional justice mechanisms to address the legacy of human rights violations that occurred in relation to the 1975 Timorese civil war and 24-year Indonesian occupation.These mechanisms have failed to provide victims with meaningful reparatio...

The situation in Uganda presented a challenging first case for the International Criminal Court (ICC). The origins of the conflict between the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the government are complex, and many people in the north resent the government for failing to protect them fr...