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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The man who was president of Honduras until just a few weeks ago will now face a federal judge. The United States has asked that former President Juan Orlando Hernández be extradited to stand trial on drug trafficking and weapons charges. He appeared in court on Wednesday morning in Honduras...
The Biden administration on Tuesday approved a massive $2.5 billion arms sale to Egypt despite ongoing concerns over human rights. The State Department said Tuesday's sales were unrelated to $130 million in foreign military financing that was frozen in September and remains in limbo. But the size of...
The evidence of racial bigotry not presented at the murder trial of Ahmaud Arbery's killers is expected to be front and center in the hate crimes case. At a hearing on January 7, Superior Court Judge Timothy Walmsley sentenced both McMichaels to life in prison with no chance of parole. The judge...
The United States revoked its designation of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) as a “foreign terrorist organization,” allowing US officials to work with members of the Colombian rebel group as they continue to shift into political life. This move comes days after the rebel group and...
Muhammad A. Aziz and Khalil Islam, who served decades in prison for their alleged role in the assassination of Malcolm X are exonerated. The two men are having their convictions cleared 56 years after the fiery civil rights leader’s murder. The exonerations are expected to provide a measure of...
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States have urged the restoration of the civilian government in Sudan following last week's coup. In a joint statement the four countries said, "We call for the full and immediate restoration of its civilian-led transitional...
The Biden administration has blacklisted Israeli firm NSO Group, accusing the technology company of developing and supplying spyware to foreign governments "that used these tools to maliciously" target a range of actors, including journalists and activists. Danna Ingleton, deputy director of Amnesty...
A United States judge has ruled the United States has no legal basis for holding an Afghan man, Asadullah Haroon Gul, at the notorious US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since 2007, setting the stage for his potential release. Gul was held for 14 years at Guantanamo without charge and denied...
A working paper by the international Human Rights Clinic at the University of California Berkeley School of Law shows San Francisco’s police department historically mired in deep racism and violence. The report is meant to aid the work of the city’s forthcoming Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation...
Patrick Ball’s nonprofit, Human Rights Data Analysis Group, will be awarded the Rafto Prize, a Norwegian award bestowed on defenders of human rights around the world. Ball and his team have been called in during or after conflict to examine human rights abuses in a long list of countries from...