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Myanmar’s military government has held talks with three ethnic armed groups on staging elections in areas under rebel control, a spokesman for one of the groups has said. Leaders from the Shan State Progress Party (SSPP), United Wa State Party (UWSP) and National Democratic Alliance Army — which...
Myanmar’s ruling military leader pardoned over 7,000 prisoners, including some political detainees, and detailed plans for an election later this year during a ceremony Wednesday marking the 75th anniversary of independence from Britain. Senior Gen. Min Aung Hlaing urged other nations and...
The UN Security Council adopted its first resolution on Myanmar in 74 years on Wednesday to demand an end to violence and urge the military junta to release all political prisoners, including ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Myanmar has been in crisis since the army took power from Suu Kyi's elected...
At least 100 Rohingya are stranded in a boat off India’s Andaman Islands and as many as 16-20 may have died of thirst and hunger or have drowned, their relatives and activists said. Another boat, carrying more than 100 Rohingya, was rescued by Sri Lanka’s navy on the weekend. Each year, many...
The Institute for Strategy and Policy, an independent research group, said in a report earlier this month that as of Nov. 2, at least 1,650,661 people had been forced to escape conflict in regions that include Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Chin and Kayah in the more than 21 months since the military took...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has agreed in principle to admit Timor Leste as the group's 11th member, the bloc said in a statement on Friday, more than a decade after the country requested membership. The half-island nation, officially called Timor Leste, will also be granted...
The EU froze the assets of 19 people—including Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Minister, the chief justice at Myanmar’s supreme court, top military brass, and businesspeople linked to the armed forces—and banned them from traveling in Europe. The 27-nation bloc also froze the assets in...
Myanmar’s junta has officially banned the online news outlet The Irrawaddy and charged the outlet’s registered publisher for violating national security laws, state media reported over the weekend, following months of legal harassment. The ban is the latest on at least 20 media groups—news agencies...
An air strike killed at least 50 people at a concert in Myanmar held by an ethnic minority group in conflict with the ruling military, opposition groups and media said on Monday, an attack condemned by the United Nations and western embassies. The jet strike late on Sunday in the northern state of...
Political prisoners in Yangon’s Insein Prison have revealed the names of officials and staff there involved in torture and rights abuses of prisoners of conscience. Their statement called on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and international agencies to investigate...