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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Cambodia's King Norodom Sihamoni has signed off on legislation which will enable the United Nations-backed Khmer Rouge tribunal, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, to wind down and finalize its mission within the next three years. The tribunal was charged with prosecuting those...
At least 25 people were killed and more than 50 wounded when Islamic State gunmen attacked Afghanistan's biggest military hospital, Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan, in central Kabul following two heavy explosions. The blasts add to a growing list of attacks and killings since the Taliban completed their...
A senior United Nations official has warned that millions of Afghans, including children, could die of starvation unless urgent action is taken to pull Afghanistan back from the brink of collapse. The World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley told Reuters news agency that 22.8 million...
Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte took full responsibility for the bloody war on drugs that has killed thousands of people, but maintained he will never be tried by an international court and would only face a Philippine court and a Philippine judge. The Philippines has come under pressure from...
A United States judge has ruled the United States has no legal basis for holding an Afghan man, Asadullah Haroon Gul, at the notorious US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba since 2007, setting the stage for his potential release. Gul was held for 14 years at Guantanamo without charge and denied...
Pastor Alex Cho’s collection of Holocaust artifacts are housed inside the Taiwan Holocaust Peace Memorial, what Cho calls the “smallest Holocaust museum in the world.” As Taiwan reckons with its own past, Cho is also hoping to teach Taiwanese people, and particularly Christians, about the Holocaust...
The European Union pledged a one-billion-euro aid package for Afghanistan, “to avert a major humanitarian and socioeconomic collapse,” at a virtual G20 summit hosted by Italy. President of the European Commission Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen has said EU countries have a “moral duty” to help Afghans...
The Transitional Justice Commission has outlined the operations of the former state security apparatus and its role in the oppression of Taiwanese in an update on the commission’s ongoing historical research. Historical records showed that Chiang Kai-shek had intervened in 80 percent of cases where...
The UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution to have a special rapporteur working on the ground in Afghanistan to probe violations carried out by the Taliban. Actions directed against women and girls are of primary concern. UN experts in legal analysis, forensics, and women’s rights will support...