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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has described deadly violence last week as an attempted coup d'etat. He told leaders of a military alliance of ex-Soviet states the action had been coordinated by a "single center," but did not name those responsible. Troops from Russia and other...
Human Rights Watch has found that the killing of at least 65 protesters on March 14 in Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city, was planned and premeditated. HRW released a report accusing security forces of deliberately encircling and using lethal force against crowds calling for the reinstatement of the...
A video posted on social media by Virginia Tech professor Sweta Gyanu Baniya has made a Nepali artifact one of the latest targets for heritage activists sleuthing online to try to bring home some of the thousands of items whisked out over decades from the Himalayan country. In the video, Baniya sees...
The International Criminal Court (ICC) has temporarily suspended an investigation into alleged abuses during the Philippine's "war on drugs" under President Rodrigo Duterte, in which thousands of people have died. ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan wrote that the Philippines had filed a deferral request...
Top human rights group, Memorial, faces the threat of being shut down at the behest of state prosecutors who accuse it of flouting Russia's "foreign agent" laws. Founded in the late 1980s during the Soviet twilight, Memorial has spent decades documenting Stalin's repressions and helping people...
The UN’s special representative for Afghanistan warned the country is “on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe,” predicting that 60% of 38 million Afghans face crisis levels of hunger. The catastrophe “is preventable” according to Deborah Lyons who cited financial sanctions on the Taliban as a...
The recent killing of Basak Cengiz by a man wielding a samurai sword is one of hundreds of murders of women committed in Turkey every year. Women’s rights activists blame the government’s failure to prevent gender-based violence, pointing to the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, a 2011...
The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has struck a limited immunity deal with former Davao City cop Arturo Lascanas in the investigation into the Philippine drug war and killings in President Rodrigo Duterte's home city. The OTP said it would not use as evidence against...
A 29-year-old activist and economics lecturer, Frozan Safi, has been shot and killed in northern Afghanistan, in what appears to be the first known death of a women's rights defender since the Taliban swept to power almost three months ago. The death underscores the pervasive sense of fear in...
The prison hospital treating Georgia's hunger-striking former president Mikheil Saakashbili lacks proper medical equipment and fellow inmates there have threatened and abused him, according to a Georgian human rights official. Public Defender Nino Lomjaria, Georgia's rights ombudsman said,...