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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Brazil’s justice ministry has awarded President Jair Bolsonaro the nation’s “medal of Indigenous merit,” drawing sharp criticism from Indigenous leaders who have long accused the far-right leader of promoting policies that have harmed their communities. Justice Minister Anderson Torres awarded the...

Appeals judges at a United Nations-backed tribunal on Thursday overturned the acquittals of two members of Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah group in the 2005 assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. The five-judge appeals panel at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon convicted Hassan...

The Chadian authorities on Monday handed over a former Central African Republic (CAR) militia leader to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on suspicion of war crimes and crimes against humanity, the Hague-based court said. Maxime Jeoffroy Eli Mokom Gawaka is suspected of crimes committed in 2013...

Russia has moved to throttle independent media after its invasion of Ukraine, allowing state television to dominate the airwaves with broadcasting that relentlessly promotes Russian successes and carefully toes the Kremlin line. Even in the restrictive climate under President Vladimir Putin, Russia...
In 2021, the Vermont Legislature issued a long overdue apology for Vermont’s early 20th century state-sanctioned eugenics movement, which targeted Indigenous people and other groups. According to VTDigger, “The eugenics movement used forced sterilizations and other practices in an attempt to wipe...
On February 28, Raymond Zondo, South Africa’s acting chief justice, handed the third and penultimate part of a report from the judicial commission of inquiry he chairs, to President Cyril Ramaphosa. It was another chapter of arguably the most anticipated report in the Rainbow Nation, an...
The Senate unanimously passed a bill on Monday that criminalizes lynching and make it punishable by up to 30 years in prison. It sailed through the House of Representatives last month, and President Biden is expected to sign it. While it eased through both chambers of Congress this time with...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is beginning proceedings to hear Myanmar’s preliminary objections to a genocide case brought against it over a brutal 2017 crackdown by the military on the mostly Muslim Rohingya. The proceedings, which start Monday, have been given added urgency and...
Russia could extend Alexei Navalny’s imprisonment for up to a further 15 years in a fresh criminal trial that his supporters warn has been overshadowed by the crisis in Ukraine. The Russian opposition leader is accused of embezzling donations to his FBK anti-corruption organization, which has...
South Africa's police and intelligence services failed to anticipate and disrupt days of arson and looting last year in which more than 300 people died, a report into the unrest commissioned by the president and released on Monday found. The violence was sparked by the imprisonment of former...