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The Taliban authorities on Wednesday executed an Afghan convicted of killing another man, in the first public execution since the terrorist group took over last year. The execution took place in western Farah province before hundreds of spectators and many top Taliban officials. The top Taliban...
The November 20 polls witnessed a wave of youngsters challenging the hegemony of the old guard of Nepali politics. While a handful of them won, many others secured substantial votes, with some of them even competing against popular leaders in their long-held constituencies. Political analyst Bishnu...
Only elections can lead Afghanistan out of political crisis, even if they legitimize Taliban rule, Afghan anti-Taliban leader Ahmad Massoud told a conference in Tajikistan on Wednesday. Massoud, exiled leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan, made a rare public appearance at an...
Uzbekistan has put 22 people on trial, accusing them of “undermining constitutional order” by taking part in unprecedented anti-government protests in July. Hundreds of people were arrested and 21 people died during the protests, sparked by a planned change to the constitution that would have...
Barely a month after granting himself new powers as China’s potential leader for life, Xi Jinping is facing a wave of public anger of the kind not seen for decades, sparked by his “zero COVID” strategy that will soon enter its fourth year. Demonstrations took place in universities and in the streets...
Nineteen people were publicly lashed in northeastern Afghanistan this month, the Taliban supreme court said on Monday. "After consideration and a strict sharia investigation, each of them were sentenced to 39 lashes," supreme court spokesperson Mawlawi Enayatullah said, adding that nine women were...
The Institute for Strategy and Policy, an independent research group, said in a report earlier this month that as of Nov. 2, at least 1,650,661 people had been forced to escape conflict in regions that include Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Chin and Kayah in the more than 21 months since the military took...
The Taliban has ordered judges in Afghanistan to fully impose their interpretation of Sharia Law, which include potential public executions, amputations, and flogging. This is a move experts fear will lead to a further deterioration of human rights in the impoverished country. After seizing power...
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has agreed in principle to admit Timor Leste as the group's 11th member, the bloc said in a statement on Friday, more than a decade after the country requested membership. The half-island nation, officially called Timor Leste, will also be granted...
The EU froze the assets of 19 people—including Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Minister, the chief justice at Myanmar’s supreme court, top military brass, and businesspeople linked to the armed forces—and banned them from traveling in Europe. The 27-nation bloc also froze the assets in...