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Myanmar’s military has imposed martial law in strongholds of anti-coup resistance, which will see people accused of everything from treason to “spreading false news” being tried by military tribunals. The announcement appears to indicate that the military is looking for new ways to stamp out...
The much-anticipated trial of 16 Hong Kong democracy activists charged under a national security law imposed by Beijing began on Monday with security tight for a case that some observers say will be a test of the city's judicial independence. The defendants are those who pleaded not guilty out of 47...
A court in Uzbekistan has sentenced 22 people, including a journalist, to various prison terms over deadly unrest in the autonomous Karakalpakstan republic last July. Twenty-one people were killed in the protests, which were triggered by plans to curtail the province’s autonomy. The aftermath of the...
The United States and its allies have imposed further sanctions on Myanmar’s military rulers amid deepening conflict two years since the military seized power in a coup. Officials from the military’s lucrative energy firm Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise as well as its Mining Enterprise 1 and 2 were...
The United Nations aid chief has said the humanitarian community was speaking with Taliban officials to try and gain further exemptions and written guidelines to allow some female aid workers to operate in Afghanistan despite a ban on women NGO staff. It was the second UN-led delegation that came to...
A UN delegation, which held talks with senior Taliban officials in Afghanistan, has made headway on women’s rights, the UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told Al Jazeera on Saturday, cautioning that much remains to be achieved. The high-level meeting earlier this week comes amid widespread...
The United Nations deputy secretary-general discussed women's rights with Afghanistan's acting foreign minister on Wednesday after the Taliban authorities banned most female aid workers and stopped women and girls from attending high school and university. Amina Mohammed "stressed the need to uphold...
The UN says there was an “alarming” rise in the number of Rohingya refugees lost at sea fleeing their Myanmar homeland or Bangladesh last year, warning more would die without concerted action. More than 3,500 Rohingya attempted sea crossings in 2022, representing a huge increase on the year before...
Several members of the United Nations Security Council have urged the Taliban to end its repressive treatment of women in Afghanistan, as the group continued to impose restrictive policies on their education and work. The 11 members — Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, France, Gabon, Japan, Malta...
Myanmar has jailed 112 people, including 12 children, from the minority Rohingya after they were caught attempting to leave the country. The group was arrested in December after they were discovered on a motorboat “without any official documents,” the report said. The mostly Muslim Rohingya are...