Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to cooperate to locate and identify hundreds of people still missing from the 1998-99 war. More than 13,000 people were killed during the conflict which pitted the overwhelmingly ethnic Albanian majority of Kosovo against Serbia. According to the European...
France has been criticized by the United Nations Human Rights Council for increased police violence, including against protesters, as widespread Labor Day demonstrations take over the country. France must “take measures to, in a transparent manner, address allegations regarding excessive use of...
Reporters across Europe are working under increasingly challenging conditions and attempts to silence them have grown, the Committee to Protect Journalists has warned. In an extensive study released on Wednesday, the US-headquartered organization said that while the European Union has initiated laws...
Turkish authorities banned the commemoration of the 1915 Armenian Genocide for the second year running Monday in a decision condemned as “unacceptable” by organizers. The blocking of a memorial event in Istanbul came as issues affecting Turkey’s minorities took hold ahead of next month’s elections...
Azerbaijan has said it has established a checkpoint on the only land route to the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, a step that was followed by claims of border shootings by both Azeri and Armenian forces. Azerbaijan said on Sunday that it had established a checkpoint on the road leading to...
Switzerland’s attorney general has filed an indictment against The Gambia’s former interior minister for crimes against humanity committed under former authoritarian leader Yahya Jammeh, it said in a statement on Tuesday. Ousman Sonko is accused of having supported, participated in, and failed to...
A Russian court on Monday convicted top opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. of treason for publicly denouncing Moscow’s war in Ukraine and sentenced him to 25 years in prison as part of the Kremlin’s relentless crackdown on critics of the invasion. The political activist and journalist, who...
Armenia and Azerbaijan have each accused the other of beginning an exchange of fire around the contested Nagorno-Karabakh region that resulted in deaths on both sides. Defense ministries from both countries issued statements on Tuesday afternoon saying an unspecified number of their own troops had...
A vessel with around 400 migrants and refugees onboard is adrift between Italy and Malta as it awaits rescue from Italian coastguard, according to sea rescue support service Alarm Phone. Alarm Phone said it had alerted authorities in Greece, Malta, and Italy when it first received the distress call...
Dozens of Russian journalists and rights activists on Monday called on the authorities to free a prominent opposition politician facing up to 25 years in jail for alleged treason and other charges which they said were politically motivated. The appeal to release Vladimir Kara-Murza, 41, came ahead...