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A delegation of Yemen's Iran-backed Houthis returned to Sanaa on Tuesday after five days of talks in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh on Wednesday praised the "positive results" of the negotiations with the rebels without releasing many details on the discussions to end the war tearing Yemen apart. The...
Rights groups have claimed that Iranian authorities arrested Mahsa Amini’s father and prevented her family from holding a vigil to commemorate the first anniversary of her death. The 1500tasvir monitor, the Iran Human Rights group, and the Kurdistan Human Rights Network said Amjad Amini had been...
Yemen's Iran-backed Huthi rebels are to fly to Riyadh for the first publicly announced visit since a Saudi-led military coalition opened hostilities in 2015, government and diplomatic sources said on Thursday. The Huthis' visit, expected in the coming days, will raise hopes of a breakthrough in the...
Authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have executed at least 100 people in 2023, according to human rights watchdog Amnesty International. In a statement on Friday, the activists said they documented several cases in which people had been sentenced to death for social media posts or drug...
A former head of the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad has said the country is enforcing an apartheid system against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Tamir Pardo has become the latest former senior Israeli official to claim Israel’s treatment of Palestinians amounts to apartheid, a reference...
A new draft law that would enshrine harsh punishments for women and girls who fail to wear a hijab in Iran could amount to “gender apartheid,” UN experts said in a statement on Friday. “The draft law could be described as a form of gender apartheid, as authorities appear to be governing through...
The United Nations’ top official in Yemen warned Monday that the Arab world’s poorest country will remain a powder keg for renewed war unless its rival factions work out a new cease-fire deal. Hans Grundberg, the UN special representative for Yemen, told The Associated Press the situation in the...
Baghdad has announced a financial reward for information on the location of burial sites for Iraqi and Kuwaiti victims of the 1990-1991 Gulf War. In a joint statement on Sunday, the Iraqi ministries of defense and interior called on anyone who has information about graves of missing persons inside...
More than 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis have been killed so far this year in the occupied West Bank and Israel–a level of violence surpassing last year’s entire death toll and the highest number of fatalities since 2005, the United Nations Middle East envoy has said. Tor Wennesland—UN...
Saudi border guards have fired small arms and sometimes mortar shells at Ethiopian migrants trying to enter the Gulf kingdom through Yemen, killing hundreds of people since last year, New York-based rights group Human Rights Watch (HRW) alleged on Monday. The group's report draws on interviews with...