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Libya’s Missing Persons Authority announced Sunday the discovery of 42 bodies buried in a mass grave in the central coastal city of Sirte, a former stronghold of the ousted Islamic State group. In a statement, the authority’s spokesperson said the 42 bodies had been exhumed from a school site in the...
Clashes between competing militias in Libya’s capital on Friday killed at least 13 people, despite calls for calm after violence first broke out the previous night, a spokesman for Tripoli’s emergency services said. It was the latest escalation to threaten the relative peace after nearly a decade of...
Two senior Libyan officials began two days of talks on constitutional arrangements for elections, the latest United Nations effort to bridge gaps between the country’s rivals. Aguila Saleh, the influential speaker of the country’s east-based parliament, and Khaled al-Meshri, head of the...
Rival Libyan factions have failed to reach an agreement after wrapping up a third round of UN-mediated talks in Egypt, the United Nations said on Monday, further complicating international efforts to find a way out of the country’s decade-old chaos. According to the UN special adviser on Libya...
One of Libya’s rival prime ministers told The Associated Press that he has no immediate plans to rule from the capital of Tripoli, after his attempted move there last week sparked clashes and fears of a return to widespread civil strife. In an interview late Wednesday, Prime Minister Fathi Bashagha...
Libya's divisions seemed poised to deepen on Thursday as the eastern-based parliament named a new prime minister, with the incumbent refusing to step aside. The move threatens to plunge Libya back to the split between two warring, parallel administrations that governed from 2014 until a unity...