World Press Freedom Day: Gaza Conflict Deadliest for Journalists


Every year on May 3, UNESCO commemorates World Press Freedom Day. It is being marked at a particularly perilous time for journalists globally, with Israel’s war on Gaza becoming the deadliest conflict for journalists and media workers.

More than 100 journalists and media workers, the vast majority Palestinian, have been killed in the first seven months of war in Gaza, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists  and the International Federation of Journalists. Since the start of the war, at least 34,596 Palestinians have been killed and 77,816 others injured in Gaza. More than 8,000 others are missing, buried under the rubble.

“The few reporters who have been able to leave bear witness to the same terrifying reality of journalists being attacked, injured and killed… Palestinian journalism must be protected as a matter of urgency,” Jonathan Dagher, Head of Reporters Without Borders’ Middle East desk said in a statement in April.

Read more here.