Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Myanmar resistance leaders and international human rights groups are welcoming a new round of U.S. sanctions aimed at that country’s oil and gas sector, a major source of revenue for the ruling junta that seized power in February 2021. Additional sanctions announced simultaneously by the United...
Venezuela on Tuesday objected to a decision by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to resume an investigation into alleged human rights abuses that could constitute crimes against humanity by Venezuelan officials. In a June ruling, the ICC said that Venezuela's own investigations were not enough...
Wauzhushk Onigum First Nation in northwestern Ontario says cadaver dogs conducting ground searches of a former residential school site have found 22 "alerts" indicating the underground presence of historical human remains. Nineteen of the 22 alerts overlap with areas that survivors have identified...
The Federal Court has approved a $23 billion settlement agreement—the largest in Canadian history—for First Nations children and families who experienced racial discrimination through Ottawa's chronic underfunding of the on-reserve foster care system and other family services. The settlement...
Growing gang violence in Haiti is devastating the lives of its people, with major crimes rising to a new high, the UN special envoy for the conflict-wracked Caribbean nation said Monday. Maria Isabel Salvador told the UN Security Council that every day sees gangs engaging in killings, sexual...
The Biden administration on Wednesday broadly eased sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector in response to a deal reached between the government and opposition parties for the 2024 election—the most extensive rollback of Trump-era restrictions on Caracas. A new general license issued by the U.S...
Italy’s top criminal court has confirmed the extradition of an Italian priest sought by Argentina on charges of murder and torture during its last military dictatorship, rejecting the priest’s appeal, a lawyer said Sunday. Arturo Salerni—who represented Argentina in the case—told The Associated...
Decades after Mexico’s “dirty war,” the military has obstructed a government investigation into human rights abuses, the official heading the probe said Wednesday. Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, deputy minister for human rights, said at a news conference that investigators withdrew last month after...
Syria boycotted a hearing at the United Nations’ top court on Tuesday where the Netherlands and Canada accused Damascus of a years-long campaign of “institutionalized” torture against its own people. The hearing was focused on a preliminary Dutch and Canadian request for the court to impose orders—...
From January 2007 to April 2023, Mexican authorities reported the discovery of 5,698 clandestine graves throughout the country. It is a dizzying number, but just part of the figures that outline the violence that the country is experiencing: more than 110,000 missing people and 30,000 murders a year...