Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

The EU froze the assets of 19 people—including Investment and Foreign Economic Relations Minister, the chief justice at Myanmar’s supreme court, top military brass, and businesspeople linked to the armed forces—and banned them from traveling in Europe. The 27-nation bloc also froze the assets in...
There are over 100,000 missing people in Mexico, and police often lack the time, expertise, or interest to look for the clandestine grave sites where gangs frequently bury them. Faced with official inaction or incompetence, many mothers are forced to do their own investigations or join search teams...
Armenia and Azerbaijan held peace talks on Monday, mediated by the United States, just hours after a fresh shootout along their troubled border in a conflict which has left hundreds dead in recent months. An American official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the meeting was less about peace...
While rebuilding relations with the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Colombia's leftist administration should also remain focused on helping to address the human rights and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, Human Rights Watch said. "Colombia should prioritize obtaining concrete...
President Ruto said Sunday during an interdenominational prayer service at Kericho Green Stadium in Kericho County, that his administration is committed to enhancing security in the country for the sake of the safety of citizens who have historically suffered in the hands of rogue killer security...
Yemen’s warring sides have failed to reach an agreement to extend a nationwide ceasefire, the United Nations has said. In a statement, the UN’s envoy to Yemen called on all sides to refrain from acts of provocation as the talks continue, after an October 2 deadline for extending the agreement...
The Protection of Civilians (PoC) site in Malakal opened its doors in late 2013 to offer refuge to people fleeing South Sudan’s ruinous civil war. Accounts of sexual abuse committed by aid workers first emerged in 2015, but the scale of the problem has since grown despite a UN-led task force charged...
NATO has brought in reserve troops assigned to its peacekeeping mission to Kosovo (KFOR) for training, one of the mission commanders said, as a deadline approaches in a spat between the Serbian minority and the government that may spark fresh unrest. Protests by Kosovo Serbs in the summer over a...
Southeast Asian nations must decide if they are going to push ahead with a so-far failed five-point peace plan for Myanmar or "decide what's next" before their leaders meet in November, Malaysia's Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah said on Monday. "Between now and the ASEAN summit in November...
"The Ethiopian government is committed to the AU-led peace process and expressed hope that the EU would support efforts to end the conflict peacefully," the ministry quoted Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen as saying at a meeting with a visiting EU envoy. The statement...