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Cambodia's prime minister has urged Myanmar's top general to allow a special Southeast Asian envoy access to ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, in his strongest call so far for the junta chief to demonstrate commitment to a regional peace process. Hun Sen, chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian...
A court in military-ruled Myanmar convicted the country’s former leader Aung San Suu Kyi of corruption and sentenced her to five years in prison Wednesday in the first of several corruption cases against her. Suu Kyi, who was ousted by an army takeover last year, had denied the allegation that she...
Women and girls staged a protest near the Taliban’s Ministry of Education in Kabul on Saturday, calling on the group to reopen girls’ secondary schools in Afghanistan. The protesters chanted, “Education is our right—open the doors of girls’ schools!” as armed Taliban members looked on. The Taliban...
Myanmar’s military and police deliberately killed civilians opposed to its rule in the six months following the coup in February 2021, in a policy that amounts to crimes against humanity, according to new research published on Thursday. “Nowhere Is Safe,” jointly authored by rights group Fortify...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is beginning proceedings to hear Myanmar’s preliminary objections to a genocide case brought against it over a brutal 2017 crackdown by the military on the mostly Muslim Rohingya. The proceedings, which start Monday, have been given added urgency and...
The Myanmar military has murdered civilians, and used them as human shields, in a series of atrocities in eastern Karenni State that may amount to war crimes, prominent human rights group Fortify Rights said in a new report published on Tuesday. The group says it documented attacks on churches...
One year since the military coup in Myanmar, calls for international action are growing louder, notably from the National Unity Government, made up of elected politicians who were thrown out of office by the generals. “The world is doing nothing but just sitting and watching,” NUG Foreign Minister...
Streets were deserted and shops abandoned across many of Myanmar’s towns and cities on Monday, as the public defied threats by the military junta and stayed at home in a “silent strike” on the first anniversary of the country’s coup. Images posted on social media showed usually congested roads with...
Myanmar’s military must halt attacks on the town of Loikaw and lift a blockade on those trying to flee, a UN human rights investigator said on Monday. Residents of the town, the capital of eastern Myanmar Kayah State, are trapped in the midst of Myanmar's military attacks. The town borders Thailand...
Human Rights Watch has found that the killing of at least 65 protesters on March 14 in Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city, was planned and premeditated. HRW released a report accusing security forces of deliberately encircling and using lethal force against crowds calling for the reinstatement of the...