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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

In a tiny classroom in a migrant camp in Greece, 18-year-old Roya Rasuli teaches a bustling group of young girls how to paint. For Rasuli, it's also a lesson in women's empowerment. "What is your message for women, for girls?" Rasuli, who was born in Iran to Afghan refugees, asks her class. "To be...
After six years in Ukraine, Ayoub, a 25-year-old Moroccan pharmacy student, had built a life he was proud of in Kharkiv, a city in the country’s northeast. He learned the Russian language, which is widely spoken in the city of 1.4 million, studied Ukrainian culture, and made friends from around the...
An estimated 13 million people in the Horn of Africa are facing severe hunger, the United Nations’ World Food Program (WFP) has said. Drought conditions have affected pastoral and farmer populations across southern and southeastern Ethiopia, southeastern and northern Kenya and south-central Somalia...
The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to hear a challenge to the constitutionality of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, which makes it hard to remove Native American children from their parents, their tribes and their heritage. The law, which calls for special procedures in adoptions, was rooted in...
France has violated the rights of French children by leaving them for years in inhuman and life-threatening conditions in Syrian camps for family members of suspected jihadists, a UN watchdog said Thursday. The UN child rights committee ruled that "France has the responsibility and power to protect...
The audience burst into laughter—and nearly burst into tears—as 18 youth and young adults from around Lebanon shared their life stories and struggles with identity, sectarianism, racism, and social marginalization. It was the story of a young Druze man who was bullied because he was poor, a Syrian...
Civilian deaths and injuries in Yemen's civil war have almost doubled since UN human rights monitors were controversially removed in October, a non-governmental organization said on Thursday. The ejection of monitors had opened the door to "unchecked, horrific violations," the Norwegian Refugee...
Eight million Yemenis will likely lose all humanitarian aid in March unless urgent funds are delivered, United Nations officials have warned, amid an escalation in a long-running war that last month caused the highest toll in civilian casualties in at least three years. UN Special Envoy Hans...
The Myanmar military has murdered civilians, and used them as human shields, in a series of atrocities in eastern Karenni State that may amount to war crimes, prominent human rights group Fortify Rights said in a new report published on Tuesday. The group says it documented attacks on churches...
One year since the military coup in Myanmar, calls for international action are growing louder, notably from the National Unity Government, made up of elected politicians who were thrown out of office by the generals. “The world is doing nothing but just sitting and watching,” NUG Foreign Minister...