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Peru's president replaced six ministers on April 1 after they abruptly resigned, amid a fresh political scandal involving luxury watches that targets her, adding more volatility to the South American nation's increasingly rocky politics. The slew of resignations, including the interior minister...
Members of a transitional presidential council who will be responsible for selecting a new prime minister issued their first official statement on March 27, pledging to restore “public and democratic order” in Haiti. The statement, although signed by eight members of what is supposed to be a nine...
Venezuela’s main opposition coalition said it has been blocked from registering its candidate to challenge President Nicolas Maduro in the upcoming elections on July 28. In a video statement on March 26, the Plataforma Unitaria Democratica explained it had been unable to formally register its...
As El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele embarks on his second term in office, an international rights group has warned that his war on gangs has created a spiralling human rights crisis. As of February 2024, Bukele’s draconian two-year campaign, which has seen the authorities detain about 78,000...
Central Buenos Aires was paralyzed for hours as massive crowds gathered for one of the largest March 24 "Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice" protests in recent years, AFP journalists saw. The normally festive, family friendly event was also joined by major trade unions, as anger rises over...
Venezuela opposition leader Maria Corina Machado on March 22 named Corina Yoris as her successor to take on President Nicolas Maduro in the country's presidential election in July, following the arrest of two of Machado's close aides. With Venezuela's opposition under pressure to pick a candidate to...
Venezuela attorney general Tarek Saab said on March 20 that two people close to opposition candidate Maria Corina Machado had been arrested, prompting Machado to call the charges leveled at her team "completely false." The arrests are set to complicate an already-confused scenario ahead of the July...
Top military leaders in Brazil have alleged that former President Jair Bolsonaro presented them with a plan to reverse the results of the 2022 presidential election, according to court documents. The filings, released on March 15, offer some of the first evidence that Bolsonaro was directly involved...
A vote by the PSUV party concluded that Maduro would be its presidential candidate, said Diosdado Cabello, considered the number two in the ruling movement which was founded by the late Hugo Chavez and has been in power for 25 years. Maduro, 61, has not made any announcement himself, but has been...
Haiti’s Prime Minister Ariel Henry has tendered his resignation and appealed for calm as the country descends into chaos. The 74-year-old announced he would step aside late on March 11 following an emergency meeting of regional nations. Haiti has been plagued by spiraling violence in recent weeks as...