Media Coverage

Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

More than 90 percent of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, UN officials reported Thursday. Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province. The epicenter...
An Aboriginal commissioner has warned that Australia risks another Stolen Generation if the current “devastating rates” of Aboriginal children being removed from their families continue. If current trends continue, the report found that “the number of Aboriginal children living in out-of-home care...
Thirty-one Australian women and children forcibly held for four years in a Syrian detention camp have told the federal government to prove it cannot bring them home, or “bring their bodies to the court” in Australia. In filings before the federal court, Save the Children Australia—representing 11...
More than 1,200 children have died from malnutrition and diseases such as measles in refugee camps housing people displaced by the ongoing conflict in Sudan, the UN said on Tuesday. The figure refers to children under the age of five who had been living in camps in the White Nile state, just south...
The U.S. State Department on Thursday imposed sanctions on 13 people and entities it said are reportedly connected to the forced deportation and transfer of Ukraine's children, as Washington ramps up pressure on Moscow over its invasion. The United States is also taking steps to impose visa...
The city where Anne Frank wrote her World War II diary while hiding with her family from the brutal Nazi occupation is hosting an exhibition about the Ukraine war with grim echoes of her plight more than three quarters of a century later. The exhibition that opened at Amsterdam City Hall on Thursday...
Kidnappings of women and children are surging in Haiti as gang violence worsens, with the number of abductions in the first half of 2023 nearly reaching last year’s total. The United Nations Children’s Fund said in a statement on Monday that close to 300 kidnappings have been reported in the...
A UN-backed human rights advocate says hundreds of boys—some as young as 11—held in detention camps run by US-backed, Kurdish-led forces in northeastern Syria have been wrongly separated from their mothers on the “unproven” belief that they pose a security risk. Fionnuala Ni Aolain, an independent...
Marking the United Nations International Decade of Indigenous Languages, an Aboriginal community in remote Central Australia is working on a ground-breaking new children’s album. Ampe-mape Alyelheme (Kids Sing) is a collection of songs performed and recorded in the endangered Arrernte language...
Palestinian minors arrested by Israeli forces face immense emotional and physical abuse, according to the rights group Save the Children, which has revealed the tragedy minors go through as detainees in a new report. In the report published on Monday, the group said some of the former child...