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Browse our curated coverage of international news related to transitional justice.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on May 5 rejected international pressure to halt the war in Gaza in a fiery speech marking the country’s annual Holocaust memorial day, declaring: “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.” The message, delivered in a setting that...
Campus protests by pro-Palestinian activists spread across Europe on May 7 as some called for a break in academic ties with Israel over the war in Gaza, while schools increasingly faced the question under debate in the US: Allow or intervene? German police broke up a protest by several hundred pro...
At least 200 people were arrested at UCLA on May 2, bringing the nationwide total of arrests to more than 2,000 at dozens of college campuses since police cleared an encampment at Columbia University in mid-April, according to a tally by The Associated Press. Demonstrations—and arrests—have occurred...
Haiti’s newly installed transitional council chose a little known former sports minister as the Caribbean country’s prime minister on April 30 as part of its monumental task of trying to establish a stable new government amid stifling violence. Fritz Bélizaire was chosen in a surprise move to...
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled against issuing emergency measures over German arms sales to Israel as requested by Nicaragua, which had argued that there was a serious risk of genocide in Gaza amid Israel’s assault on the Palestinian territory. Nicaragua brought its case against...
Pro-Palestinian encampments and demonstrations have cropped up at dozens of college campuses across the U.S., many turning chaotic as police arrived to disperse crowds and take protesters into custody. Still, student activists nationwide appear determined to show their support for people in Gaza and push their universities to divest from companies with ties to Israel or who otherwise profit from its war with Hamas.
Ariel Henry resigned on April 25 as prime minister of Haiti, leaving the way clear for a new government to be formed in the Caribbean country, which has been wracked by gang violence that killed or injured more than 2,500 people from January to March. Henry presented his resignation in a letter...
A Palestinian civil defence team on April 25 called on the United Nations to investigate what it said were war crimes at a Gaza hospital, saying nearly 400 bodies were recovered from mass graves after Israeli soldiers departed the complex. "There are cases of field execution of some patients while...
The UN Security Council is due to vote on April 18 on a Palestinian bid for full UN membership, said diplomats, a move that Israel and ally the United States is expected to block because it would effectively recognize a Palestinian state. The Palestinians are currently a non-member observer state, a...
A man-made famine is "tightening its grip" across the Gaza Strip, the head of the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA warned on April 17 as he accused Israel of blocking aid deliveries and seeking to end UNRWA's activities in the enclave. "Today, an insidious campaign to end UNRWA's...